Stay close
Compl. Titre  The American dream can be a nightmare
Auteurs   Coben, Harlan (Auteur)
Edition  Signet : New York , 2012
Collation   1 vol. (454 p.)
Illustration   ill
Format   20 cm
ISBN   978-0-451-23396-7
Langue d'édition   anglais (Royaume-Uni)
Sujets   Anglais (langue)
Roman policier
Nombre de réservation(s) actuelle(s) : 0
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Médiathèque Bouray 1910950033678 ENG RP COBADULTE / / 1er étage - JeunesDisponible
Résumé : Megan is a suburban soccer mom who once upon a time walked on the wild side. Ray used to be a talented documentary photographer, but now finds himself in a dead-end job posing as a paparazzo. Broome is a detective who can't let go of a cold case. Each is hiding secrets that even those closest to them would never suspect. When the terrible consequences of long-ago events threaten to ruin their quiet suburban lives, they will come to the startling realization that they may not want to forget the past at all. As Megan, Ray, and Broome are faced with the excitement of temptation and the desperation and hunger that can lurk behind even the prettiest facades--they will discover a hard truth: the line between one kind of life and another can be as whisper-thin as a heartbeat.
Notes : Titre en édition française : "Ne t'éloigne pas"